Account Center
Last updated
Last updated
To make changes to your account settings such as your name, profile picture, date of birth, and location, or to adjust your account privacy settings, follow these steps:
Open the Moseiki app and go to your profile screen.
Tap on the Hamburger Menu located in the top right corner of the screen.
Select Account Center from the menu options.
Within the Account Center, you can make various changes:
Profile Updates: Here, you can update your personal details, Name, Profile Picture, Date of Birth and Location. Note that you cannot change your email address through this interface.
Account Privacy:
There are two privacy options you can choose from:
Public Account: Toggle this on if you want all your posts and engagements to be visible to all users.
Private Account: Toggle this on to restrict visibility of your posts and engagements to only your followers.
Password and Security:
Change Password: You can update your password by entering your old password, the new password, and confirming the new password again. An email verification will be required to complete the process.
Forgotten Your Password: If you forget your password, you can click on the link provided to reset it.
Verify Moseiki Handle:
You can verify your Moseiki handle buy purchasing it in the app. If you have not purchased your Moseiki Handle, clicking on verify will direct you to the purchase page.
If the handle is still unverified and another user attempts to verify the same handle, you will be notified both in-app and via email. You will have one day to verify your handle. If you do not verify it within this timeframe, the handle ownership will be transferred to the new verifier, and you will be assigned a new handle that is close to your original one, such as changing from 'raybankless' to 'raybankless1'.